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Walter J Palmer, DDS - General Dentist in Bloomington, MN

Walter J Palmer is a General Dentist (General Dentistry dentist) practicing in Bloomington, Minnesota. This dentist is listed on Dentist Network with a medical license speciality in General Dentistry.

You can reach us on phone number (952) 884-5361, fax number (952) 946-9533 or email address . Our office is located on River Bluff Dental 10851 Rhode Island Ave S, Bloomington, MN,

For full contact details to this dentist have a look at the the column to your right (or scroll if you're viewing this on a mobile device.)

Medical License Speciality and areas of practice

Walter J Palmer,DDS is listed as specialized in General Dentist under General Dentistry in Bloomington, Minnesota .

Contact this dentist to find out if they offer Orthodontics/Dentofacial Orthopedics, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Endodontics Periodontics,Pediatric Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Public Health or Oral/Maxillofacial Pathology.

General Dentist and General Dentistry explained

General dentists are the primary dental care providers for patients of all ages.

A general dentist takes responsibility for the diagnosis, treatment and overall coordination of services to meet your oral health needs. He/she can treat you and your entire family and care for your overall oral health.

If you need a specialized dental procedure performed, a general dentist may work with other dentists to make sure you get the proper care.

Most general dentists are highly educated and trained on several different dental procedures. Instead of specializing in just one area of dentistry, he/she can provide plenty of different dental services. A few examples:

- Cosmetic procedures
- Crowns and bridges
- Dental implants
- Gum disease treatment
- Orthodontics
- Dentures
- Partial dentures
- Restorative care
- Root canal treatment
- Oral surgery
- Teeth cleanings
- Home care instruction
- Mouth guards
- Nutrition counseling
- Sealants
- TMD/TMJ therapy
- Tobacco cessation
Pro tip Browse Dentists & dental surgeons in Bloomington, Minnesota by issue and category.

General Dentistry in Bloomington
Orthodontics/Dentofacial Orthopedics in Bloomington
Endodontics in Bloomington
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery in Bloomington
Prosthodontics in Bloomington
Periodontics in Bloomington

Fees and & free initial consultation

There's currently no information available about fees or if Walter J Palmer offers free initial consultation.

Dentist qualifications

The information below about Walter J Palmer is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (952) 884-5361 to learn more.


Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)

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General Dentist

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88 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Angela Joss asked a question

1 I have seen and heard of people doing some terrible things during my 49 years of life, but hunting this lion is the saddest, most wasteful, stupid act ever. Your deed diminishes you as a human and as a man. 2 To anyone thinking of letting this man near their mouth - he couldn't cleanly finish off an elderly lion, would you let him do your extractions?

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Robert Raffone asked a question

Are you proud to be one of the most hated people on earth right now? I hope someone hunts you down with a bow and arrow and puts an arrow up your sorry ass you sorry piece of shit.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Mauloa posted a comment

Are you sure you want to have Walter Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota listed on your site? He has drawn the wrath of the world with his mangled illegal shooting of a prize lion lured off the reserve - shot (and not killed) by bow and arrow - all for the glory of Dr. Palmer's animal head displays. The Safari guide had to finish the job two days later by shooting (WITH A GUN) the wounded animal. I'm sure as of today - Dr. Palmer is boasting to his gathered admirers - how he shot with his little bow and arrow this ferocious beast. It was said the lion was a favorite - and quite friendly to the local lion reserve personnel.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Meg Pasquini asked a question

Are you the narcissistic bastard that killed the lion?

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Most dangerous game added information

Beware! All god's creatures are killed for bloodlust by this phony professional. He will trick you with gas, drugs, and have his hygienists strap you down before he begins his torture. Like the coward he is he will attack you from a distance with broad head arrows disguised as dental implements. Walter the Butcer Palmer will only wound you, and pay someone else to finish you off. No wonder he calls his business a "practice", because he never really has achieved any expertise.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Walter Palmer, DDS kills innocent animals for trophy asked a question

Can someone drop this asshat in the middle of a jungle, and hunt him down? I would pay to see it! Disgusting.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Darren posted a comment

Can someone start a website so we can get someone to kill him , the highest bid get the money, or give it to a animal charity

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

H sounds off asked a question

Disgusting man who needs a phone for his livelihood. What d'ay say everyone starts calling his business phone number. Constant phone calls should keep him so busy he can't go off killing innocent animals.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Andi added information

Do not give this man your business he uses the money to take obscene vacations.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

added information

Ethics are important and he has none

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

RALPH BOB wrote something

feed you to the lions and than thy spit you out

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Gary Vanderhyde posted a comment

Fuck you you fucking fuck.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Gooey! posted a comment

Cannot wait until someone fucks you up so bad!!!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Anna wrote something

He is a blood thirsty piece of crap that has hunted lions, leapords and rhinos. He isn't a kind human being. I would never consider going to him.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

John posted a comment

Hey Brother.....You and Casey Anthony would make a great couple! Both killers that need to disappear from society or society will take care of you. May you rot in Hell....You know what you were doing!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Outraged posted a comment

How can a supposed health professional maim and kill a defenseless animal? You are a murderer and should be removed of your dental licensel You should also spend your hunting money on the preservation of our wildlife, instead of selfishly wasting it for a few moments of your sick predacious feelings of power and torment over another living being. "Invest in the Earth; extinction is costly." You have a big debt to pay before your life has any value again.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Marina asked a question

How could you travel to Zimbabwe and kill a lion? It's so sad. Surely you could have put your $50,000 to better use?

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Lize Kruger posted a comment

How do you come to Africa to kill a lion?? You stupid shit! Stay out of AFRICA!! I live here and if we ever see you here again WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AT THE AIRPORT!!

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Linda H. posted a comment

How unfortunate that a person who has spent part of his life training to help human beings can be so inhumane towards animals. The spin on this story could be " we don't know his side of the story". The act is done, the lion is DEAD by his own hand. Explain that away. I hope that people like yourself become instinct in the human race as much of the big game has become due to human preditors.

Written September 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-09-08)

Cecil the Lion asked a question

I haven't hurt you, why did you kill me!!! You are a disgrace. You call yourself a dentist!!! What you are is a low life piece of shit!!! What kind of human being are you!!! In my opinion, you are not a human being, you are a low life scumbag!!! I hope and pray that they take your license away forever, and ruin your life, like you ruined mine. I hope you rot in hell!!!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Faith posted a comment

I hope all of your patients find out about your disgusting behavior and dump you. May you be brought up on charges and prosecuted!

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

ACB posted a comment

I hope that you lose your practise as a payback for your bungled killing of that lion in Zimbabwe. I also hope that you are brought to justice and sentenced to serve prison time in Zimbabwe since you killed the lion by luring him from his sanctuary.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Elena posted a comment

I hope the killing of Cecil ruins your practice, your life and all you have built. I really hope you end up on food stamps. You are a piece of shit. I hope you experience hell on earth.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

asked a question

I hope you enjoyed your little vacation scumbag. May YOUR angonizing suffering begin now!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

mike bess posted a comment

I hope you have enough money saved up because your practice and source of income is about to dry up. This day and age you don't go killing animals for sport and expect respect and honors. Quite the opposite, and now you and your family have to look behind themselves to see whats coming. Kind of what happened to Cecil. Shmuck, for someone supposedly smart you sure did a boneheaded move.Karma, remember the word, Karma.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Andrew posted a comment

I hope your cruelty and arrogance brings you to financial ruin. I hope you lose your entire client base, I hope all your employees quit, I hope you are sued for malpractice by your last 50 patients. I hope you lose your dental license because of the shame you've cast on your profession. I hope your family disowns you. Most of all, this nation would not shed a tear if you came to a similar end that you inflicted on an innocent animal. May you rot in hell.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Darren posted a comment

I live in the uk, but there should be someone who can kill this mother fucker in his home country.

I would pay someone to do that

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

MSMOJO posted a comment


Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

mike asked a question

I wouldn't spend one dime with this guy, killed a old lion who he had to LURE out of a reserve, just so he could remove the collar of a lion who probably walked right up to him expecting him to be friendly. What an amazing hunter you are. Did you shoot the neighbors poodle too? Hope someone hunts you or your family the same way you did this poor creature. We in WI should have put your ass behind bars when you were here killing the bear you prob lured the same way.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

debra jo johnson posted a comment


Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

asked a question

In this world full of such evil, animals are truly innocent. I don't understand how a person could lure this beautiful creature from a protected area and kill him in cold blood. I pray that he didn't have to suffer, unlike you you piece of garbage! I hope you get exactly what you deserve!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

The Lion asked a question

Is it true what they say in the news... that you lured an animal from a wildlife sanctuary so that you could kill it? I have seen this story from news sources all over the world. What a way to ruin your reputation forever!
I wonder how much hate mail will be sent?

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Junkie asked a question

It breaks my heart that people still think it is acceptable to kill for sport. At some point we need to start respecting each other and the animals of the world. Only by working together can we progress instead of having all of the turmoil in the world today. This persons actions through out his past show he has no respect for human or animal. Maybe all of this negative attention will finally open his eyes although I doubt it will. Also don't forget about Troy Lee Gentry killing a tame bear named Cubby. There are some sick people in this world and sometimes it feels like they are taking over.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Kerry wrote something

It takes a heartless person to do what you did to Cecil. Zimbabwe is looking for you and for the sake of all the other creatures that you might want to hang on your wall, I hope they find you. In memory of a beautiful lion that suffered for 40 hours because of your heartless actions, I pray for a court system to bring justice on Cecil's behalf.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

A G wrote something

MURDERER MURDERER MURDERER It is said the magnificent life you took, that of Cecil ~that he suffered over 40 hours. We wish you this twice over while images of your children play in your mind.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Mal posted a comment

My sincerest hope is that you die a very, very painful death, hopefully within the next 24 hours.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Katy Lanchester posted a comment

No one will forget and justice WILL rain down on you. May you feel the pain and suffering, especially the emotional pain of every animal you have ineptly tortured and murdered.

Written September 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-09-09)

nullifidian posted a comment

No shame, no ethics, no morals. Contemptible.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

David posted a comment

Palmer: Murderer. Monster. Despicable creature. No empathy. Do not use his dental services. Hope you go out of business and live the rest of your life in disgrace. Not feeling like a big man now, are you?

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Danielle Lafrance wrote something

Pathetic human being you are.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

John Smith posted a comment

Piece of S%^T I hope you are in need of food stamps after this act. Love to see you never work again to waste this kind of money on senseless killing. You are what we fear.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

BOB wrote something

rot in hell you fucking cowardly prick

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Dennis posted a comment

Pure scum and not deserving of having a successful business, family or home life.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Outraged posted a comment

Shame on Palmer and shame on this Directory for listing him!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Loathesome posted a comment

Shame on you for knowingly luring an animal from their safe home where they are being studied for research by caring individuals so you can take a picture next to a life you took. As a mother, I hope you do not have any children. If you do, I hope you see the disappointment in their eyes when they learn about what a cruel individual you are. Next time you even consider an event like this, take your $55,000 and put it to good use by donating it to research to study these majestic creatures. You are a failure of a human being and shame our country.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

J. Caren posted a comment

Shame on you!!!! Killing a lion to fuel your pathetic ego, and mount it on your wall for show and tell. Remember the episode of The Twilight Zone... Too bad your head isn't on someone's wall!!! You have absolutely no regard for life. I feel for your family.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

nick wrote something

Someone please book an appointment and bite his fucking fingers off, hopefully he will suffer and die a slow painful death. What a sad pathetic excuse for humanity you are, do us all a favor, shoot yourself.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Kevin Crane UK posted a comment

The court of 'public opinion' has spoken and you should take 'pride' in everything coming your way!

You court publicity!

You claim good dentistry by extracting teeth, you certainly know how to extract public anger and emotion by your cowardly-inhuman actions. You have destroyed a beautiful lion for you personal greed and gain!

You have 'used and abused' life and I would happily contribute to a fund to execute you with your own bow & arrow, 'Robin Hood' style the only difference being, that having later beheaded you as you did with Cecil, I would not post your scum bloated face on the internet! You deserve what you will have plenty of for the rest of your life, gutter press & media! Bad publicity is the best form of deisinfectant for scum like you! Remember with 'pride', 'what goes around comes around' and you desrve with 'pride' everything coming your way for the rest of your cheap & spineless life!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Denis Nelson posted a comment

This guy is a total a--hole and doesn't deserve his freedom. Big friggin hunter! Take your dentistry business elsewhere....he doesn't deserve your business anymore. What a jerk!

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Anti Fake Hunting posted a comment

This man is not a dentist he is a murderer

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Cynthia McMurray asked a question

Walter j palmer is a wretched excuse for a human being... He doesn't even deserve to be called human. I urge everyone to ban his practice and anyone any or any business that chooses to associate with this murderer. There are no words for how truly vile this man is. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves... Jail time!

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Robert Raffone asked a question

Walter Palmer, DDS kills innocent animals for trophy

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Marie Pletkovich asked a question

Walter, you have blood on your hands! Shame on you for murdering Cecil! Justice will be served! Please don't patronize this man's dental practice! He is not to be trusted!

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Debbie Price asked a question

What kind of a scumbag kills sentient creatures for fun? You should be skinned alive - a little salt poured on after each cut of the knife. Fucking prick.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Rick posted a comment

What sort of lowlife illegally hunts a lion? Walter Palmer is an embarrassment to his profession and he should be sanctioned, if not have his license revoked entirely. I certainly would never use him. This is not the first time he has been charge with poaching, and he obviously has no regard for life or law. Not the sort of "man" we should have treating our citizens.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Andre G. posted a comment

What you did to that lion was deplorable!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Humanity asked a question

When this dentist asks you "is it safe"- RUN!

Written September 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-09-09)

Pam Deichmann asked a question

Where is the email for Walter J Palmer...Hiding is he. I would hide if I tortured an animal for 40 hours before shooting. This man is sick and dangerous to purposely torture a living animal for sport. Sick and should go to prison for his crime. Please forward to his email.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

SL asked a question

Why are you a horrible person to have to give your ego and your shriveled penis any glory by destroying nature. Cecil wanted to live and you wanted to be cunt, and he died and you are.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Nancy Smith asked a question

Why are you so moronic that you would kill an innocent lion for the "sport" of it? Does that give you bigger balls to do that? You are a miserable piece of crap and I hope someday that karma catches up with you and you meet your demise at the jaws of an animal. Or a cross bow. Asshole !

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Daisy Palmer posted a comment

Why did you touch me like that during my surgery. I am only 13.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Jason Bond asked a question

Why would anyone want this insecure weak freaks bloody hands in thier mouth?..

Written May 2018 on a Wednesday (2018-05-23)

Linda Norris asked a question

Why would you want someone as cruel and heartless as this guy touching you? He obviously loves to inflict pain on helpless creatures when they are in no position to fight back. He is scum.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

JOAN EVERS posted a comment

You are a disgrace and I hope someone hunts you.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Kathy posted a comment

You are a disgusting human being and a sick fuck.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Mari asked a question

You are a disgusting human being! What kind of person goes and hunts a beautiful animal just for sport?? I hope someone hunts your ass and shows you the same brutality you showed to that beautiful animal. Karma is a bitch!!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

LU asked a question

You are a disgusting human being, killing beautiful animals for sport. I hope you will penalized for kiiling Cecil

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Kat Sommers posted a comment

You are a hideous man. So many wish for unending pain and suffering for your heartless mindless existence MURDERER. You will ROT in HELL.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Up yours!! asked a question

You are a MURDERING COWARD, Walter Palmer!! While fully protected, you MURDERED Cecil the Lion, the feline star of Zimbabwe with a crossbow....and it took him 4 LONG HOURS TO DIE!! Does that give you a big woodie, you worthless piece of crap? You get a big charge out of killing innocent, beautiful animals, don't you? You don't kill them for food, or to protect yourself, as animals do.... you just kill them for the thrill of killing. You are truly one sick fucker!! I hope you die a horrible, prolonged painful death and I hope I'm there to watch you suffer for as long as it takes. I spit on you!!!!!!!!!!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Mary Smith added information

You are sub human.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Brenda Ventura asked a question

You are the most disgusting, savage, pathetic representation of ANY FORM OF LIFE! If I could I'd have you hunted down the same way Cecil was -- maybe tempt you with money or Viagra -- kill you with a crossbow and skin you and behead you (maybe not in that order)! Then I'd feed what's left of your carcass to the vultures who are used to cleaning up the scum-of-the-earth! And then I'd fall asleep with a smile of my face. I hope you get what's truly coming to you. Not a moment of peace. You are right now the most hated person on this planet. Rot, rot, rot. May the beautiful and majestic Cecil rest in peace.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

steve mead posted a comment

You complete moron. You lured a protected lion out of his safety and cruely murdered him. You deserve nothing but the worst that life has to offer. Fucking douchebag!

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Bob posted a comment

You despicable bastard...trophy hunting piece of shit! I hope that you lose all your patients and can't find work so you'll never have enough money to do this again. What a loser you are.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Michael Uhrich DDS asked a question

You give dentists a bad name
Then blame your stupidity on someone else

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

CINDY posted a comment

You hunted a helpless animal that had caused you no harm, you then shot him with an arrow and watied for him him to die a long and painful death, you are scum and dont deserve to get away with it. To hunt and kill is unacceptable let alone kill a handsome beast with an arrow and then to follow him awaiting his tortured death. You took his life to gain your own merit and then you took off his head as a trophy, you are not worthy to walk in this world with beasts of beauty or even humans. May you be tortured by your actions for eternity. Words will never be enough to explain what a low life and coward you are to take a life without a blink of an eye. Rot in hell and then rot some more!!!!!!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

David posted a comment

You like hunting asshole? Come on to Detroit - I'll give you a 1/2 hour headstart and let's see how good you are with anyone that may hunt you back. You are a shithole.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

cecil the lion asked a question

You low life piece of crap

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Becky asked a question

You make me sick, and I hope your practice dies a painful death.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

asked a question

You obviously didn't learn from the bear poaching incident in 2008 where you were put on probation and fined more than 3,000. The authorities are looking for you, you coward! Be a man and go back and turn yourself in and face your punishment and bring Cecil's head with you so he can have a decent burial and not be a fixture on your wall gathering dust!

Written July 2015 on a Thursday (2015-07-30)

A decent person posted a comment

You obviously have money and an insatiable ego, but there is no justification for what you have done. These types of safaris involve no sport whatsoever. Instead of spending this money to help bolster obvious inadequacies you perceive, why don't you donate money to help other--whether human or animal. Perhaps then you can start feeling better about yourself and not need to feed your narcissism quite so much. You disgust me.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Brenton Westwood asked a question

You Palmer are the same as a serial killer you and all your 'hunter' friends. This "sport" is not. It must divert your need to torture and kill. I would never allow you to touch me or my children, I am sure you would rather be stalking us, incapacitating and killing us.

Written September 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-09-09)

Kathleen posted a comment

You should be ashamed of yourself. Do you really think luring an animal out with bait and then shooting it is "hunting?" Now the cubs are in danger and the pride has only one male to defend it since you so callously killed the other. How would you like it if someone came, shot you and left your family to fend for itself. I pity you. This is not sport, this is merely to satisfy your ego. If you wanted to do something to benefit people, why don't you help a village in Africa by building them a well or a schoolhouse with all the money you've wasted? .Egotistical asshole.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Betsy asked a question

You suck shit.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Betsy posted a comment

You suck shit.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

Betsy asked a question

You suck shit?

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

JA posted a comment

You're a despicable cunt. I hope someone hunts you down with a crossbow. Best case I hope you rot in hell.

Written July 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-07-28)

Luigi Baccano posted a comment

You're a real piece of shit. I would gladly chip in to have your sorry ass dropped in a jungle and get eaten up alive. I hope that you're life is forever ruined by this disgusting act you pulled. You already got in trouble once, hopefully this time you get finished off.. What a disgusting example for your kids. Hopefully your wife and kids realize what a scumbag you are. Eyes open paisan, people are looking for you!

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

None of your business posted a comment

You, Walter J. Palmer, are a disgrace to humanity. What kind of twisted mind gets his jollies by going out and murdering a beautiful lion in a most horrendous way. I wish someone would take you out and first suffer the way poor Cecil the lion agonized. I hope that someone finds you in a dark alley and cuts your head off. I wish you get the most painful cancer and that it lingers for years before you die in agony. But until any one of these deserving paybacks can happen, I ask that every decent person with a conscience and a belief in the beauty of God's creations, take their dental needs to another office. I ask that his staff all quit, his patients leave, and anyone who has any association with Palmer disassociate from this piece of trash. I wish the IRS and every other government agency investigate Palmer for fraud. May God strike you down you SOB.

Written July 2015 on a Wednesday (2015-07-29)

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Walter J Palmer DDS
Minnesota General Dentist

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Walter J Palmer
River Bluff Dental 10851 Rhode Island Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55438

Contact Walter J Palmer to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed hours are general only. Call (952) 884-5361 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (952) 884-5361
Fax: (952) 946-9533

Email address

No listed email address.

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